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Self-Hosting Server

LibrePass, an open-source password manager, empowers you to take charge of your data by self-hosting it on your own server. This approach grants you complete privacy and eliminates dependence on third-party services.

Before you begin

  • Technical knowledge: This guide assumes some familiarity with Docker and terminal commands.
  • Security: Self-hosting requires managing your server's security. Ensure you understand the risks and how to mitigate them.



Prepare Environment Variables

Create a file named .env in your LibrePass directory. You can use the following template.


  • PORT - The port number on which the application listens for incoming requests.
  • API_DOMAIN - The domain on which the API is hosted (e.g.
  • CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS - The domains from which requests to the API can be called (required for the website), separated by a comma (e.g.,
  • RATE_LIMIT_ENABLED - Whether to rate-limit requests to the API (default true).
  • HTTP_IP_HEADER -Header with the user's IP address if a proxy is used. (e.g. CF-Connecting-IP for cloudflare proxy, X-Forwarded-For for nginx, caddy, etc.)
  • LOG_FILE - The filename of the server logs file.
  • WEB_URL - The URL of the LibrePass website. (e.g.
  • POSTGRES_HOST - The hostname or IP address of the PostgreSQL database server. The default is postgres if using docker-compose.
  • POSTGRES_PORT - The port number on which the PostgreSQL database server listens for connections. The default is 5432.
  • POSTGRES_DB - The name of the database used by LibrePass within the PostgreSQL server.
  • POSTGRES_USER - The username for accessing the LibrePass database in PostgreSQL.
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD - The password for the POSTGRES_USER to connect to the LibrePass database.
  • DATABASE_URI - A connection string constructed dynamically from the previous database settings. This string is used by the application to connect to the PostgreSQL database.
  • MAIL_SMTP - The hostname or IP address of the SMTP server used for sending email notifications. The default value is (replace with your actual server).
  • MAIL_SMTP_PORT - The port number on which the SMTP server accepts connections. The default is 465.
  • MAIL_SMTP_AUTH - Whether authentication is required to connect to the SMTP server. Set it to true if your server requires authentication.
  • MAIL_SMTP_USERNAME - The username to authenticate with the SMTP server if MAIL_SMTP_AUTH is set to true.
  • MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD - The password to authenticate with the SMTP server if MAIL_SMTP_AUTH is set to true.
  • MAIL_SMTP_TLS_ENABLED - Whether to use TLS encryption for communication with the SMTP server. Set it to true for secure email delivery.
  • SMTP_EMAIL_ADDRESS - The email address used as the "from" address for sending email notifications from the application.

Set Up Docker Configuration

Create a file named docker-compose.yml in your LibrePass directory. Use the following template.

Launch Server

sudo docker compose up -d

# or if you using an older docker version, use the `docker-compose` command instead
sudo docker-compose up -d

The -d flag runs the container in detached mode, allowing you to exit the terminal without stopping LibrePass.

Update Server


Do not forget to update the server version regularly.

To keep your server secure, it's crucial to update LibrePass regularly. Run these commands in your terminal:

# Download the latest version
sudo docker compose pull
# Restart the server
sudo docker compose up -d

# or if you using an older docker version, use the `docker-compose` command instead
sudo docker-compose pull
sudo docker-compose up -d

Addional Tips

  • Backups - Regularly back up your LibrePass database for disaster recovery.
  • Security - Consider implementing additional security measures like firewalls for your server.

By following these steps, you'll have a self-hosted LibrePass server up and running, giving you complete control over your passwords!