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Auth Endpoint

The Auth endpoint is designed to handle user authentication-related actions for the LibrePass application. This includes user registration, login, two-factor authentication, password hint requests, email verification, and other related functionalities.

Authentication flow

A basic diagram that shows how authentication works.

Authentication diagram



Create a new account and send a verification email.

Endpoint: POST /api/auth/register


  "email": "string",
  "passwordHint": "string",
  "publicKey": "string",
  "sharedKey": "string",
  "parallelism": 3,
  "memory": 65535,
  "iterations": 4


  • email: The user's email address.
  • passwordHint: The user's password hint (optional).
  • publicKey: The user's public key (x25519 public key). More information about a public key you can read here.
  • sharedKey: The shared key (x25519 shared key) exchanged between the user and the server. More information about a shared key you can read here.
  • parallelism: The argon2id parameter (Default is 3).
  • memory: The argon2id parameter (Default is 64MiB).
  • iterations: The argon2id parameter (Default is 4).

Response: Returns a standard response indicating the success or failure of the registration process.


Retrieve pre-login information, including argon2id parameters and the server's Curve25519 public key.

Endpoint: GET /api/auth/preLogin

Query Parameters:

  • email: User's email for retrieving user-specific parameters (optional).


  "parallelism": 3,
  "memory": 65536,
  "iterations": 4,
  "serverPublicKey": "x25519 public key"


Handle OAuth-based authentication, including login and two-factor authentication.

Endpoint: POST /api/auth/oauth

Query Parameters:

  • grantType: Specifies the OAuth grant type (login or 2fa).


For login grant type:

  "email": "string",
  "sharedKey": "string"

For 2fa grant type:

  "apiKey": "string",
  "code": "string"


For login grant type:

  • email: The user's email address.
  • sharedKey: The shared key (x25519 shared key) exchanged between the user and the server. More information about a shared key you can read here.

For 2fa grant type:

  • apiKey: The API key from "login" grant type. This key will be verified after successful 2fa code verification.
  • code: The current one-time password (2-fa code).

Response: Returns a standard response indicating the success or failure of the OAuth authentication process.

Password Hint

Send a password hint to the user based on their email.

Endpoint: GET /api/auth/passwordHint

Query Parameters:

  • email: User's email.

Response: Returns a standard response indicating the success or failure of sending the password hint.

Verify Email

Verify the user's email using a verification code. This link is included in verification email.

Endpoint: GET /api/auth/verifyEmail

Query Parameters:

  • user: User ID.
  • code: Verification code.

Response: Redirects to a page with information about a correctly verified email address or returns failure of email verification.

Resend Verification Email

Resend the email verification code to the user.

Endpoint: GET /api/auth/resendVerificationEmail

Query Parameters:

  • email: User's email.

Response: Returns a standard response indicating the success or failure of resending the verification email.

Important Notes

  • Rate Limiting: The endpoint is protected by rate limits.